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As a realtor, take the time to listen to your client to determine which questions they ask most frequently. Once you have the experience of helping a number of customers answer the same questions, design an information graphic that include these common questions that you can share with the client.
When getting ready to meet new customers for the first time, design a professional looking showing schedule for each client using a PDF cover page. This page should include the showing date, the client’s name, and all of the properties you and client agree to view set to an hourly schedule.
After creating the PDF packets from where you have previously shown homes, create a dropbox folder on your computer in which you can place all of the forms. Because you and the client could see a large number of homes before finding the “perfect match” having all of the forms available is far preferable to having to recreate them for a potential second or third showing of a residence.
Due to the lengthy process, usually 30 to 45 days, those buyers must wait prior to closing on a home after putting it under contract clients often get impatient waiting for the cycle to finish. Therefore filming a “personalized walk-through video” right after accepting the offer is a nice touch, as they can watch the video at any time.
Though slipping into this trap is easy for realtors after a number of years in the real estate business, never mistakenly make the assumption your clients automatically know everything they need to know when starting the search for a house. Even if the client has bought a home before, it was likely with another realtor working with another agency, so this experience will be entirely new to them.
One really effective way to win over your clients is to put together a market list report of the comparable homes within the area. This way, when the client wants to ask how much a home in a given neighborhood actually costs, you already have the price information they can look at to get an idea of what the fair market value of the home might be.
It is important for today’s realtors to create and maintain a noticeable presence on social media websites. Such websites as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google Plus, and Tumblr (among others) reach millions of people each day, so having a up to date profile on all of these websites is a necessity, not an option.
While all realtors know the importance of knowledge and technology as it pertains to social media, not everyone in the real estate business knows as much as the next person, nor does everyone understand how vital everyone is to the real estate business. Today’s realtors must ensure their website is mobile friendly, and that they are able to use their electronic signature via mobile app.
Real estate is an all-commission business, and it can take a little time to get your business going full-throttle. For these reasons, it is best to plan ahead to determine how much money must be allotted monthly for your personal expenses. These can include rent and/or mortgage, food, utility bills, car payment, and any other items of importance you spend money on each month. Creating an online spreadsheet works well to keep track of when, where, and why you spend your money each month.
This is an important fact to know ahead of time when going to work for an agency. It is not always best to go with the broker who is willing to give you the best split at the beginning. Other brokers that may start you with a lower share may increase your split more quickly based on how fast you bring customers, money, and referrals into the agency.